Tuesday 04.01.12

Pick a ball...  have fun slamming it!!

Skill: Hang Cleans
5-5-5+ (65/75/85% T-RM)

AMRAP 10 min:
5 Strict Pull ups
15 Ball Slams (20/14#)

Monday 04.30.12

5-5-5+ (65/75/85% T-RM)

Back Squat (135/95#)
Toes To Bar

Weighted Dips
3-3-3 (5-5-5 BW)

Saturday 04.28.12

Did you hear about this?    Come tomorrow to the workout, save a kitten. 

2.5 K run
5 rounds of Cindy
     5 pullups
     10 Pushups
     15 Squats
2.5 K run

Friday 04.27.12

Gymnastic Skill Work:
Accumulate 60 sec of a Lever progression

Accumulate 60 seconds
Planche Progression

Flexibility Work
PNF shoulder

Sprint Work:
6 x 100m (up to 90%)
6 x 50m (up to 100%)

Thursday 04.26.12

OK, . Lisa get down and do it 9 more times!

Gymnastic Skill Work:
10 sets of Low/Med/High
Handstand Kick ups to Wall
(each leg)

Flexibility Work:
PNF Quadriceps
Complete 4 rounds:
50m Prowler Push
15 Russian KB Swings (70/53#)

*rest as needed
Weighted Dips
3-3-3 (5-5-5 BW)

Wednesday 04.25.12

Gymnastic Skill Work:
Accumulate 60 sec of an Hanging Knee Raise or L-Sit Progression

Flexibility Work:
PNF Hamstrings
PNF Calves

AMRAP 5 min:
30 Double Unders

10 C2B Pull ups
Weighted Push ups
5-5-5 (7-7-7 BW)

Tuesday 04.24.12

Gymnastic Skill Work:
Cartwheel (non-traversing)
20 reps each leg of Sweeping
20 reps each leg of Standard

Flexibility Work:
PNF Butterfly

30 Ground to Ovrhd (95/65#)
Row 500m

Wtd Pull ups 3-3-3 (5-5-5 BW)

Monday 04.23.12

Coach Breanne making it look easy!!

Gymnastic Skill Work:
Accumulate 60 sec of a Lever Progression

Accumulate 60 sec of a
Planche Progression
Flexibility Work:
PNF Hamstring
PNF Glute

Complete 5 rounds:
Run 250m
15 Overhead Squats (65/45#)

Saturday 04.21.12

Teams of 2
1000 m Run
40 OH Squats (95/65#'s)
500 M Row
60 Power Snatch (96/65 #'s)
250 DU
80 Burpees
125 Box Jumps (24"/20")
While one partner is working, the other is holding a plank

Friday 04.20.12

Gymnastic Skill Work:
Accumulate 60 sec of an Hanging Knee Raise or L-Sit Progression

Flexibility Work:
PNF Hamstrings
PNF Calves

1500m Sandbag Carry

Weighted Push ups
5-5-5 (7-7-7 BW)

Thursday 04.19.12

Gymnastic Skill Work:
Cartwheel (non-traversing)
20 reps each leg of Sweeping
20 reps each leg of Standard

Flexibility Work:
PNF Butterfly

4 Rounds of:
Shuttle Run 50m-100m
10 Sledge Strikes

rest 60 sec
Wghtd Pull ups 3-3-3 (5-5-5 BW)

Wednesday 04.18.12

Warm up before the gymnastics fun!!

Gymnastic Skill Work:
Accumulate 60 sec of a Lever Progression
Accumulate 60 sec of a Planche Progression

Flexibility Work:
PNF Shoulder

AMRAP 10 min:
Run 400m
10 Burpees to 1ft target

Tuesday 04.17.12

Some of the 6:30PM crew on yesterday's Workout...  the gymnastics stuff is challenging!!

Gymnastic Skill Work:
10 sets of Low/Med/High
Handstand Kick ups to Wall (each leg)

Flexibility Work:
PNF Quadriceps

Complete 4 rounds
50m Backward Sled Drag
15 Russian KB Swings

*rest as needed
Weighted Dips
3-3-3 (5-5-5 BW)

Monday 04.16.12

get fired up for some gymnastics this week...

Gymnastic Work:
Accumulate 60 sec of Lever Progression
Accumulate 60 sec of Planche Progression
*aiming for top quality movement so rest as needed

Flexibility Work:
PNF Hamstring
PNF Glute
*spend 10+ min working active flexiblity.

It's time to stretch folks! We know we may be shaving some seconds off your performance by stretching before the fun, but we also know some of you (who will remain nameless) that would think class was over early, if we put it at the end :-)

Complete 5 rounds:
10 Ring rows (false grip optional)
10 Jump squats
50ft Bear crawl

Saturday 04.14.12

Coach Bre making it look EASY!!

20 Min AMRAP
Teams of two

1 Person runs 400 meters
1 Person  works through
   3 Handstand Pushups
   6 Box Jumps
   9 KB swings

Friday 04.13.12

Skill: False Grip

Wall Ball Shots (20/14#)
Sit ups
Lateral Hurdle Jumps
Sledgehammer Strikes
*rest 45 secs between sets in bottom of squat to work on Flexibility

3 sets of Max Pull ups

Thursday 04.12.12

Alan making them count!!  This guy is in the middle of an incredible transformation...
Good Job Alan,  got to go shopping for skinny clothes!!
Row/Run 500m
50 Double Unders
Row/Run 1000m
100 Double Unders
Row/Run 1500m
150 Double Unders

3 sets of Max Push ups

Wednesday 04.11.12

Back Squat
3-3-3-3 (85% 1RM)

For time:
500m Row
30 Burpees
10 Shoulder to Overhead (165/105#)

Grip Work: Max Plate Pinch

Tuesday 04.10.12

Maura chasing a PR!!

Clean & Jerk
Work to a Heavy Single

4 Rounds of:
Run 400m
rest 2 min
*record 400m splits

Monday 04.09.12

1, 2, 3, 300
Bench Press
Work to a 1RM

For time:
300 Double unders
50 Hng power snatch (65/45#)
10 Muscle ups

Saturday 04.07.12

Lily working on her double unders!!

Saturday Fun
100 Double Unders
50 Two-hand dumbbell ground-to-overhead (45/25lb)
100 Burpees (over partner)
50 Toes-to-bar
100 foot Overhead lunge (45/25lb plate)
500m Run with something heavy (ie. keg, sandbag, your partner)

Teams of 2. Team will complete this as a chipper, with one athlete working at a time. A team must complete all reps of one movement before moving onto the next. There is no set rotation needed among the athletes. A team’s result is their total time to complete this chipper

Friday 04.06.12

Work to a Heavy Double

3 Rounds for time:
7 Thrusters (155/115#)
250m Run

Weighted Pull ups

Thursday 04.05.12

Skill: Handstand/Headstand and Tumbling

Run 1 Mile
10! (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1)
Sit ups
Run 1 Mile

Wednesday 04.04.12

Some of the current fundamental peeps starting their WOD!!   

Snatch Balance
5-5-5 (70% 1RM)

Complete (in any order):
1000m Run
20 Strict Pull ups
20 Skin the cat
20 Jump squats
20 Strict Dips
1000m Run

Tuesday 04.03.12

Oliver, Josh and Brennan synchronizing their  Muscle Ups!!  
Power Clean
3-3-3 (85% 1RM)

Bench Press
5-5-5 (80% 1RM)

4 Rounds on the 2 min:
100m Sprint
10 Box Jumps
20 Double Unders

Monday 04.02.12

Training run today, 50 miles in preparation for Western States 100.. 
Front Squat
2-2-2-2-2 (90% 1RM)

On the minute for 10 min:
1 Muscle up
2 Handstand Push ups
3 Broad Jumps