Rigo and Nathan prepping for multiple assailants

Friday 02.18.11 
Mobility: Work Glutes, Ham, Calf

AMRAP 15 min:
10 Deadlift (185/135#)
20 Double Unders
1 Shuttle Run (25,50,100m)

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Thursday 02.17.11 
3 Rounds for time:
10 Dips
20 Push Press (95/65#)
400m Row

3 Sets of 20 Back Extensions and 20 Abmat Sit ups

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speed strength

Drive yourself under the bar...FAST

Wednesday 02.16.11 
1st  minute 1 Clean & Jerk (135/95#)
2nd minute 2 Clean & Jerk
3rd  minute 3 Clean & Jerk.....

you are finished when you cannot complete the appropriate amount of reps inside of that minute.

3 Sets of Max Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

post what minute you cleared to comments
seems like forever ago 
Tuesday 02.15.11 
5 Rounds for time:
5 Hang Power Snatch (95/65#)
5 Handstand Push-ups
200m Run

rest 3 min

Max Burpees in 2 minutes 

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we heart you

7am class wishing themselves a happy valentine's day

Monday 02.14.11 
Skill: Push Jerk

For 10 minutes, on the minute, complete:
10 Box Jumps
AMRAP KB Swings (72/53#)

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back in action

by popular demand, this is going to be our home again for daily workout posts, until further notice. All other details about our shenanigans will be on our website

-SCCF Staff