Friday 12.30.11

A few lose ends...   
-No yoga class this coming Sunday
-New Class starts at 4:30pm on M and W Starting Jan 2
-New fundamentals Series start on Jan 2 (6:00pm) and Jan 3 (9:30 am)

Box Jump work Max Hieght
15 DL            
12 HPC           
9 front squats 
6 jerk  (135/95lb)

Thrusday 12.29.11

Happy Bday Lisa...  hope you enjoyed your margaritas!! 

4x30sec Plank Ring Holds     

WOD: 4 Rounds        
10 pull ups   
20 push ups 
30 squats     
40 DU    
200m run *

rest 60sec between rounds  

Wednesday 12.28.11

Skill:Snatch balance

Wod Teams of two: (0nly one partners works at a time)
2 Rounds of:
50 m Sledge push
40 ring rows
30 GDH situps
20 HSP
10 Muscle ups

Tuesday 12.27.11

Push press 5-5-5 (80% RM)

5 Rounds
5 Power cleans (185/115 #s)
10 Burpees

Monday 12.26.11

Lumberjack 20 
20 DL(275/205#) 
20 kb swings (70/53#)      
20 OHS (115/105#)  
20 C2B pull up       
20 box jumps (24/20) 
20 DB sq. clean (45/25#)

Friday 12.23.11

Jim and Luis in their way to Sausalito to celebrate Luis' bday run.
Skill:  kip butterfly/pullup

Jerk: heavy single for the day...

DB squat clean (50/35#'s)
50m farmers walk


Thrusday 12.22.11

Guess whose bday is today!!  
Skill:  L-sit, hollow rock, Rolls

Mini "Paul"
3 rounds of
50 Double Unders
35 K2E
20 yards OH walk (185/135#'s)

Wednesday 12.21.11

Oliver finishing woodside 50K
 Skill:  Back squats
 5-5-5 (80 % 1RM)

4 X200
4 X100

*Recover between efforts

Tuesday 12.20.11

Resting is also part of the workout...  oh!! and smiling too!!

Skill: Split Jerk

Complete 60 seconds in each station
Then 30 seconds in each station

DB Trusther (50-35#'s)
Rest 60 seconds
Clapping pushups
Rest 60 seconds
Ball Slam (20/14#'s)
Rest 60 seconds
Burpee Box Jumps (20")
Rest 60 seconds
Score = Total reps

Monday 12.19.11

Squat cleans (80-85% 5RM)

5K Row/Run

Friday 12.16.11

Lisa showing how it is done!!  
Skill: Bag/Mitt Work

60 Dips
40 Chin ups (Supinated grip)
20 Headstand Pushups
40 GHD Sit-Ups
60 Box Step ups w/Object

*Rest 45 Seconds between stations

Thrusday 12.15.11

Healthy mothers,  healthy babies..  :)
 Skill: Running

2 sets of:
Bar Complex : 30sec AMRAP
Lunge (Racked or Overhead)
Romanian Deadlift
Hang Power Snatch
Run 1500m

Wednesday 12.14.11

Planking at SCCF starts early!!  

Skill: Turkish Get Ups

Ring Push ups
Lateral Hurdle Jumps
Sledgehammer Strikes
Sit ups

*rest 45 secs between sets in bottom of squat to work on flexiblity

Tuesday 12.13.11

Skill Ring Work (holds, Handstands , L Sits)

In Teams of two complete the following
100 1-arm KBS
100 Jumping pullups
100 OHS (45/33 #'s)
1000 m Row

ONE person must be in Plank at all times

Monday 12.12.11

SCCF does a body good!!!

Skill:  snatch balance
5-5-5 ( 80 - 85% RM Range)

4 Rounds (No clock)

5 chest to bar pullups (NO Kip)
10 wall balls to Target (20/14 #'s)
15 K2E no Kip

Rest two minutes
4 sets of 20 DU

Friday 12.09.11

Skill: Turkish GetUps.

4 Rounds of
5 RT Arm Hang Power Sn (50/35)
10 handstand Pushups
5 LT Arm Hang Power Sn
10 Ring Rows
800 m Run

Thursday 12.08.11

Levitation at SCCF...   Even Breanne is mesmerized!! 

Skill: Slackline / Kip

15 rounds.. Yep 15.
2 Dead lifts 1.5 BW
10 Box Jumps

Rest 2 Minutes
Max Reps Dips in ONE minute

Rest 2 Minutes
Max reps K2E in ONE minute

Wednesday 12.07.11

Row Devon Row!!!  

For time:

Row 500 m
Max Reps Push Press @ 50%BW
Row 500m
Max Reps Bk Squat @ 50%BW
Row 500m
Max Reps Pull ups
Row 500m
Max Double Unders in Minute
*score reps       

Tuesday 12.06.11

KB swings?... who wants some?
Skill Double Unders

Complete the following
KB swings  (70/53 #'s)
Push up w/hand release
Double Unders

Monday 12.05.11

Squat Clean
3 sets of 5 at a challenging load.

AMRAP 15 min
3 Muscle ups
7 Overhead squats (115/80#'s)
Run 250 meters

Sunday 12.04.11

We will start offering Yoga starting today and every Sunday at 10am.   Hope you guys enjoy it..

10am at the gym..  

Saturday 12.03.11

Box jumping...  AWESOME!!

Run 400 meters
30 Box umps, 24 Inch box
30 Wall Ball, 20/14 #'s

Friday 12.2.11

Duncan making it look EASY!!

Power Snatch
Work up to a Heavy Double

5 Rounds of
10KB swings  (70/53 #'s)
5 Burpee Pullups *
Sprint 100 meters
Rest 60 sec

*Bar should be at least 1 ft away