Wednesday 10.26.11
Snatch Deadlift: 5-5-5 (80% 5RM) 3 rounds of: 500m Row Hold bottom of squat 30 sec 500m Row Hold L-sit 30 sec
Thursday 10.20.11
This was the first day Devon came to SCCF..
MINI ROWING CLINIC w / Marianne Jett
5 Rounds on the 3 min int:
200m Run
10 KB swings (70/52#)
Max Reps Double Unders
Skill: Slackline
Wednesday 10.19.11
Can you tell who this is?
4 Rounds of:
100ft OH Wlkng Lnge (45/35#)
30 Box Jumps (24/20”)
20 Wallball (20/14#)
10 Handstand Push ups
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Hero workout
Tuesday 10.18.11
Ring Rows
Back Extensions
50 ft Prowler push
Monday 10.17.11
5 Rounds of
10 Burpees
20 squats
10 K2E
50 feet Bear Crawl
Friday 10.14.11

Skill: Hollow Rock/Abdominal Bracing
For 15 min, complete:
30 Combat Squats
15 Bag Strikes
50m Farmer Carry (53/35)
30 sec Ring Hold 15 KB Swings Mobility Work: Hip Flexors
Thursday 10.13.11
Skill: Overhead Squat
5 Rounds of:
500m Row
15 Overhead Squat (45/33#)
12 C2B Pull ups
9 sec Hanging L-Sit
Wednesday 10.12.11
Skill: Skin the Cat/Ring Work
In any order, complete:
1000m Row
20 Skin the Cat
25 Max Height Wallball Shots
20 Hollow Rocks
25 Max Distance Broad Jump
1000m Run
Monday 10.10.11
Skill: Muscle up/Ring Work
2 Rounds of:
400m Run
20 Toes to Bar
400m Sandbag Run
20 Push Press (95/65#)
400m Run
20 Double Unders
Saturday 10.08.11
Work through
100 Thrusters
100 Pullups
100 GHD Sit Ups
100 Double Unders
Rotate off
100 meter Farmers' walk
Friday 10.07.11

San Mateo SWAT PT Test
(How tough are you?)
2 Mile Timed Run
Max Push ups to Failure
Max Sit ups in 2 Min
Max Pull ups
20 Yard Dummy Drag w/165lb Dummy
Thrusday 10.06.11

Skill: Muscle Ups/Tumbling
Row Max Watts 1 Min
rest 2 min
Row Max Watts 2 Min
rest 2 min
Row Max Watts 1 Min
rest 2 min
Row Max Watts 2 Min
Wednesday 10.05.11
Skill: Rope Climb and Box
Jump (neutral spine/landing mechanics)
10 Rounds for time:
20 Box Jumps
10 C2B Pull Ups
5 Handstand Push ups
Tuesday 10.04.11

Skill: Handstand Work
8 Rounds for time:
400m Run
5 Front Squats (135/95#)
Weighted Dips
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