don't rot

Injured Luis V and his exquisite "quadruple" extension

Tuesday 04.27.10 
For time:
10 Squat Clean (135/95#)
50 Sit-up
8 Squat Clean
40 Sit-up
6 Squat Clean
30 Sit-up
4 Squat Clean
20 Sit-up
2 Squat Clean
10 Sit-up

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Training with or through injuries is often something we all encounter and it is important to understand that the training staff at SCCF take a very active recovery approach.

Enter the "don't rot" concept.

Giving your injury the proper attention and rest is paramount but what about the remainder of your badass self?  The last thing any of us wants is for that hard earned (if it hasn't been hard to earn please contact one of our coaches, or send me a private email prior to your next workout) muscle mass to waste away, which is exactly what happens when one gets hurt and decides is time to pay a long overdue visit to the couch, clearing off the ice layers on that tub of ice cream, and catching up on the Tivo.

The alternative, and what is going to keep you healing fast, feeling positive and staying strong, is to get down the box and have one of your coaches scale a workout....we've got a zillion.  If you have come off of a serious injury or surgery, and have been issued a rehabilitation protocol....bring it! We want to be in full compliance with your doc and PT, all the while facilitating your progress and recovery to its fullest potential.